A manual gearbox, like any other unit in a car, has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you only comprehend the basics of car business, and do not even have the slightest idea, about the manual transmission, and even more so do not know how to repair it, then in this case, this article will become an excellent assistant.
GPP device
Manual transmission is a certain number of gears that are attached to the shafts. There is a special mechanism that moves the gears and introduces them into the engagement, regarding the selected transmission. The mechanism is called a fork for gear. In order for the switching between the gears to occur smoothly and without unnecessary sounds, a synchronizer is installed on the gear wheels. It is intended to align the speeds of the wheels so that they can easily go into the ending with each other. In a mechanical box, bearings must have bearings, on which seals and rollers sit down. This is done in order to avoid leakage of the oil that is in the box. In the gearbox is a sensor responsible for the operation of back -speed lamps at the time of use of the rear gear.
When you need a box repair
If the machine is operated correctly, the box will last a very long time, and will not need the repair. But it is known that few people operate as required. Find out that your gearbox has broken very simple. This will be clear even to the most inexperienced driver. The programs will begin to turn off on their own, an unpleasant rattle will appear when switching speeds, the switching handle will hang out and not switch speeds – all this means that problems with the box. It is possible that problems with the curtains, in this case, will not be turned on, or will be, but too easy.
What is the repair of the manual transmission
In order to repair the box, you need to remove it from the car. It is worth checking the clutch right away so that after some time it is not necessary to re-remove the box. During the repair, you need to replace all bearings, bushings, oil sections, synchronizers and damaged gears if they are available. The master should be repairing the gearbox, otherwise the repair procedure is unlikely to be successful. After everything you need is replaced, you need to install the box in place. This process, like removal, is preferably carried out together, because it is difficult to hold the box alone.