Almost any battery, regardless of the manufacturer, needs constant attention. The term “inconsistent” batteries for trucks, which are often loved by the batteries of batteries, often misleads inexperienced motorists.
In fact, an “underwear” battery involves the lack of the need to constant density and electrolyte levels. Complete neglect of the rules of systematic control of the battery can not only lead to considerable energy losses, but also almost complete self -discharge of the battery. Moreover, even in the case of conscientious operation, the batteries gradually wear out, which entails an increase in the rate of consumption of discharge. Therefore, even such types of batteries as “inconsistent” must be checked at least once a quarter, especially in the instructions for the operation of such batteries, systematic monitoring of the level of their electrolyte is recommended, including following the recommendation for their monthly recharge.
It should not be forgotten that the duration of the stable operation of the batteries depends on such a weather factor and climatic conditions, in particular, the harsh these conditions will be, the more attention will be required to be required by the battery