The safe movement of your car depends on a number of different factors. One of which is the correct tincture of lateral mirrors and rear -view mirrors. It’s not so difficult to insist them, and you can well cope with this yourself.
Side mirrors
To properly configure the lateral mirrors, turn left and start turning the left mirror, while looking through the window. Stop only at the moment when the reflection of your car will disappear from the lateral left mirror. Next, you need to turn your head to the central part of the machine and begin to install the right mirror. This must be done in the same way, just as you installed the left mirror, until you stop seeing the car in the right mirror until you stop seeing the car.
How to set up mirrors in a car
In each of the lateral mirrors you must see the lateral part of your car. This is necessary so that you can understand the situation of the remaining participants in the movement relative to your car. But it is worth remembering that such a reflection in the mirror should not occupy more than two centimeters. Otherwise there is a risk that the review will be very limited. Also, note that the horizon line should have a little lower than the middle of the mirror.
Rear view mirrors
Such mirrors are designed so that you see the road behind your car. The visibility center in the rear window should coincide with the center of the rear -view mirror if it is adjusted correctly. To do this, just turn the mirror until you get the desired result.
After you installed all three mirrors, check the review, it must be complete and you must see the entire surrounding environment of your car. There should not be any so -called blind zones.
Checking the correctness of tinctures
In order to surely make sure if you set up the right mirrors, ask one of your friends to slowly go around your car no closer than two meters from it. Say in the car yourself and watch your friends through mirrors. They are correctly configured if the reflection of a friend from the side mirror immediately falls into the rear view mirror and vice versa. In addition, the presence of blind areas is checked in the same way, where your friend will not be visible to you.
How to set up mirrors in a car
You were convinced that setting up automobile mirrors is quite simple. The most important thing is to do everything right, and after setting, check for everything you can see.