President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych said that such a branch of Ukrainian industry as an automotive industry urgently needs to improve legislation, since the current one interferes with its normal development.
The car manufacturers of Ukraine themselves argue that the introduction of quotas to import imported cars may first of all can help the industry. They ask to adopt such a law at least as a temporary measure, because at present on the car market of Ukraine the real dominance of foreign cars. Whether such innovations will raise the Ukrainian auto industry from the knees?
Motorists believe that the domestic automobile industry has not been able to learn to go in the same leg over the years of independence. Cars that were developed back in the 70s continued to produce up to the two thousandth year. To date, industrial capacities are loaded only by a third. Automobiles, which are able to produce ten thousand cars monthly at best, produce less than half.
Vice President of the Association of Ukravtoprom Efim Khazan, said that it is urgent to make a decision whether the auto industry will remain in Ukraine or will disappear even in twenty years again. He said: “If we want him, then he must be protected and stimulated.”. In his opinion, quotas for the import of foreign cars or raising duties will help protect domestic automotive industry.
But such measures will entail a problem not only for the country, because Ukraine is a member of the WTO and without consultation with the European Union cannot limit importance, but also for official dealers. It is clear that in this case they will have a choice to lose their jobs or go into the shadow. At the same time, the sale of used cars or smuggling of auto parts will become very profitable, which in turn will entail the criminalization of such a business as selling a car.
There is another opportunity to raise the car industry in Ukraine to attract investors. Russia has gone along this path and now there are twelve world car brands at former Soviet plants collect their cars. This made it possible to create new jobs, modernize production and increased revenues to the state treasury. And also gave customers a developed market, which makes it possible to choose among many cars what is suitable for them. At the same time, the state continues to support domestic automakers, stimulating them both financially and legislatively.