It seems that there is nothing complicated in this matter. But many Internet users are interested in this issue. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully study the rules of etiquette, questions of convenience and driver safety. The simplest thing is how a woman should get in a car? Every representative of the fair sex wants to look beautiful and charming in any situation. In this regard, the rules appeared as a passenger girl to get into a car correctly.
An ideal situation when her companion opens the door to the girl, but if he is not there, you can open the door on your own to the seat on the output, raise both legs at once and turn around, putting your legs on the floor of the car. You should get out of the car in the opposite order: first open the door, then turn around, put the legs on the ground or asphalt and gracefully rise. So you learned to get out of the car and get into it.
How should the driver go into the car correctly? The presence of proper landing at the wheel is a very important moment. Remember what kind of landing in the car is the most true, even during the training period of driving. You must feel comfortable when driving, feel good to get tired less and conveniently drive a car. These little things make up road safety, but everything starts with the correct landing in the car. The vehicles with the left wheel must be opened with the left hand, the right -hand car with the right wheel must be opened with the right hand.
In a car equipped with a left wheel, you need to put the right leg in the area where the gas pedal is located, after which you can sit down and put the left leg inside the car. In a car with the right steering, the sequence of actions is reverse.
So you are in the car. Which driver’s pose is considered correct?
The back should fit tightly to the back, located vertically, a small slope is allowed.
Hands should be slightly bent at the elbows, and with your thumbs you hold the steering rol.
Put your legs a little forward so that the legs do not touch the steering wheel when the feet are on the pedals.
Adjust the rear -view mirror so that the driver does not turn his head for good left and rear views.
The front edge of the seat should be at a distance of five cm from the popliteal depressions.
These few tips will help you get into the car correctly. If you got behind the wheel of the car for the first time, adjust all the existing settings so that it is convenient for you to sit and drive.