This calculator will be useful for those who have consumed alcoholic beverages or is only going. You can calculate the necessary time for alcohol removal from the blood of a person, to get behind the wheel of the car again. Before the feast, you can immediately calculate your norm, so that by the time you are in the normal condition you are in good condition.
Since 2008, the permissible norm of alcohol is becoming 0.3 ppm.
We also give a table of assessment of the content of alcohol in the blood:
0.thirty.5 -weak influence of alcohol
0.5 – 1.5 -a mild degree of effect of alcohol
one.5 – 2.5 -average degree of intoxication
2.5 – 3.0 – high degree of intoxication
3.0 – 5.0 -the highest (severe) degree of intoxication or alcohol poisoning
If you drank only one drink, then in the rest of the lines we prescribe “zero”.
Origin: Planetcalc
This calculation will help you determine the time of complete sobering the body, you can plan trips in advance. If you use after a feast, you can also determine when you can drive.
Do not get behind the wheel in a state of intoxication, even if you feel sober. Calculate the time when the alcohol level drops to normal, or use the alcotester.